Ahead Partnership Privacy Policy


Ahead Partnership Limited (“Ahead Partnership”, “us”, “we” or “our”) is committed to respecting your privacy and to complying with applicable data protection and privacy laws. We will comply with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) (including any UK version of GDPR that is implemented as a result of Brexit) and the Data Protection Act 2018 together with any other privacy and data protection legislation applicable to us.

We have provided this Privacy Policy to help you understand how we collect, use and protect your information when you visit our websites and when you use our products and services.

We wish to help you make informed decisions, so please take a few moments to read the sections below and learn how we use your personal information.

Who to contact about our Privacy Policy

Where any of your data is collected by Ahead Partnership, we are the controller of this data.

Ahead Partnership Limited is registered in England with company number 05687891. We can be contacted about this Privacy Policy at our Head Office at 1 Park Row, Leeds, LS1 5AB. You may also email dataprotection@aheadpartnership.org.uk if you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the ways in which we process your personal information.

Personal Information Collection

We collect and use your personal information for a number of reasons which are described in more detail in the table at the end of this Privacy Policy. The types of personal data we collect and reasons for which we use it will vary depending on who you are and our relationship with you.

Please review the relevant sections in the table at the end of this Privacy Policy for a full record of the types of personal information we collect, use and store.

Non-personal Identifying Information

We may also collect non-personally identifying information about your visit to our websites based on your browsing activities. This information may include the pages you browse and services viewed. This helps us to better manage and develop our sites, to provide you with a more enjoyable, customised service and experience in the future, and to help us develop and deliver better services tailored to your individual interests and needs.

Please see our cookie policy, available here https://www.aheadpartnership.org.uk/cookies-policy/, for more information about the cookies we use.

How will we use your information?

We may use your information for a number of purposes which include: delivering services, reports or information requested by you; responding to complaints or account enquiries; administering debt recoveries; verifying your identity when required. Please see the table at the end of this Privacy Policy for a full record of the types of personal information we collect, use and store.

We may also undertake market and product analysis based on your use of our services and contact you with information about new developments, products, services and special offers by post, telephone and automated means such as mobile text message (SMS), email and the internet (subject to any preferences expressed by you.)

If you have consented to receive details of our services, events and training you can contact us at any time to have your details removed from lists used by us for any or all of those purposes or from lists maintained by our marketing team, to update your information or to otherwise tell us how you would like to receive information about our products and services – the choice is yours.

To update your marketing preferences please email dataprotection@aheadpartnership.org.uk and quote your email address in the body of the email and tell us what you want us to do (i.e. ‘opt-out email’, ‘opt-out SMS’ etc. or if you have previously objected to receiving information by post for example, but would now like to change your mind and receive information then just say, ‘opt-in post’ in the subject header of your email.)

When will we disclose your information to others?

We may only disclose information about you and contact details to: (i) any Ahead Partnership partners or suppliers for the purposes and subject always to the terms of this Privacy Policy; (ii) in the event that we undergo reorganisation or are sold to a third party, in which case any personal information we hold about you may be transferred to that reorganised entity or third party for the purposes and subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy; or (iii) if we are required to disclose your information to meet legal or regulatory requirements or obligations. If we can provide the necessary information without disclosing your personal data, we will do so.

Please see the table at the end of this Privacy Policy for detailed information about the third parties that may receive or have access to your personal data.

Social media, blogs, reviews

Any social media posts or comments you send to us publicly (on the Ahead Partnership Twitter page, for instance) will be shared under the terms of the relevant social media platform (e.g. Twitter/LinkedIn) on which they are written and could be made public. We will not share any messages you sent to us privately on social media.

Other people, not us, control these platforms. We are not responsible for this kind of sharing. We recommend you should review the terms and conditions and privacy policies of the social media platforms you use. That way, you will understand how they will use your information, what information relating to you they will place in the public domain, and how you can stop them from doing so if you wish.

Any blog, review or other posts or comments you make about us or our services on any of our blogs, reviews or user community services will be shared with all other members of that service and the public at large. Any comments you make on these services and on social media in general must be not offensive, insulting or defamatory. You are responsible for ensuring that any comments you make comply with any relevant policy on acceptable use of those services.

The grounds on which we process your information

We process your personal information in accordance with one of a number of grounds set out in GDPR. We have explained in the table below the grounds that apply to each use of your personal data and have described each relevant ground below in more detail:

  • Consent

    In some circumstances we may ask for your consent to process your personal information. If you do not provide your consent we will not process your information for that particular purpose but we may still be entitled to process your information for other purposes, as set out in the table below. If you give you consent but subsequently withdraw it, we will stop processing your information but that will not affect any processing we carried out prior to you withdrawing your consent.

  • Our legitimate interests

    We may be entitled to process your personal data on the basis that it is in our legitimate interests to do so and those interests are not outweighed by your rights and freedoms. If we intend to rely on legitimate interests we will conduct a legitimate interests assessment to ensure it is appropriate for us to do so.

  • Performance of a contract

    We are entitled to process your personal data where we need to do so in order to fulfil our obligations under a contract we have with you.

  • Legal obligation

    We may process your personal data where we are legally obliged to do so.

How long do we keep your information for?

To make sure we meet our legal data protection and privacy obligations, we only hold on to your information for as long as we need it for the purposes we acquired it for in the first place, or for additional purposes agreed with your consent.

In most cases, this means we will keep your information for as long as you continue to use our services, and for a reasonable period of time afterwards if you stop doing so. After that we will delete it other than where we lawfully need to keep any data for audit or legal reasons. Please see the table at the end of this Privacy Policy for a more detailed description of our retention policies.

Access to your Information

You can write to us at any time to obtain details of the personal information we may hold about you. Please write to: dataprotection@aheadpartnership.org.uk.

You may request the following:

  • Confirmation of whether, and where, we are processing your personal data
  • Information about the purposes of the processing
  • Information about the categories of recipients with whom the data may be shared
  • Information about the period for which the data will be stored (or the criteria used to determine that period)
  • Information about the existence of the rights to erasure, to rectification, to restriction of processing and to object to processing
  • Information about the existence of the right to complain to the DPA
  • Where the data were not collected from the data subjected
  • Information about the existence of, and an explanation of the logic involved in, any automated processing that has a significant effect on you
  • A copy of the personal information being processed

Many of the above points are addressed within this policy and in the appended table showing information by categories of contacts, however you may request them separately if you wish to enquire specifically about your information.

Please quote your name and organisation (where applicable) together with your telephone number and/or email address on any requests. We would be grateful if could clearly indicate what you would like to know or what information you want a copy of (this helps us to more readily locate your data.)

We will take all reasonable steps to confirm your identity before providing you with details of any personal information we may hold about you.

Your right to complain about our processing

If you think we have processed your personal data unlawfully or that we have not complied with GDPR, you can report your concerns to the supervisory authority in your jurisdiction. The supervisory authority in the UK is the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”). You can call the ICO on 0303 123 1113 or get in touch via other means, as set out on the ICO website – https://ico.org.uk/concerns/.

Privacy Support

Ahead Partnership reserves the right to amend or modify this Privacy Policy at any time and in response to changes in applicable data protection and privacy legislation.

If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post the changes on our website so you know what information we collect and how we use it.

If you have any enquiries about Ahead Partnership’s privacy policy or practices, please write to: dataprotection@aheadpartnership.org.uk. This mailbox is monitored by several employees of Ahead Partnership.

We do not have an official Data Protection Officer as this is not a requirement for our organisation. However we do have a Privacy Officer overseeing data protection compliance. Our current Privacy Officer is Nicola Hara, who can be contacted at info@aheadpartnership.org.uk.

What personal information we collect, how long we store it for and why we collect this information (at a glance):

If you are a
Business volunteer

Data we may collect with your consent:

Full name
Job Title
Organisation you work for
Email (business)
Email (personal)
Telephone number (business)
Telephone number (business)
Organisation address
Vehicle registration
DBS Data (such as previous addresses)
Notes on our communications
Photographs/videos at events
Opinions from feedback forms
Record of attendance at events
Location of events you have attended
Record of safeguarding disclosures

How long we store/use this data:

Three academic years from last event you’ve taken part in (academic year is 1 Sept to 31 Aug)
Seven years for financial data e.g. names and contact details on invoices

Why we collect this information and our legal basis for processing:

To effectively deliver our contracts with you (on the ground of performance of contract) or your employer (on the ground of our legitimate interests)
To facilitate your participation in our events and activities (on the ground of our legitimate interests)
To ensure we meet appropriate safeguarding legislation when working with young people (on the ground of legal obligation)
To analyse and report on volunteer feedback from our events and activities (on the ground of our legitimate interests)
To promote our work, programmes and activities and your involvement in them (on the grounds of consent)
To share news stories and case studies of our work together online and in printed media (on the grounds of consent)

Third parties with whom data may be shared and why:

Cloud storage/ software providers; to store information (shared on the grounds of our legitimate interests)
Schools/ education institutions to the extent they need your personal data for logistical arrangements for events (shared on the grounds of our legitimate interests or our contract with you)
Other business contacts; if requested by you (e.g. for networking introductions) (shared on the grounds of your consent)
Funding bodies; we may be contractually obligated to share some of your information with funders such as name, organisation and record of event attendance (shared on the grounds of our legitimate interests)
Images may be shared with media partners to share stories about our work together (shared on the grounds of consent);
Social media; to promote our activities (shared on the grounds of consent)

If you are a
Business contact or stakeholder who has not taken part in an event/activity (e.g. a prospect or strategic contact)

Data we may collect with your consent:

Full name
Job Title
Organisation you work for
Email (business)
Email (personal)
Telephone number (business)
Telephone number (business)
Notes on our communications
Contractual and legal documentation

How long we store/use this data:

Three years (from last contact you’ve made with us)
Seven years for financial data e.g. invoices which may contain names and contact details

Why we collect this information and our legal basis for processing:

To follow up initial discussions on meeting you for the first time (on the grounds of our legitimate interests)
To contact you with information about our services

Third parties with whom data may be shared and why:

Cloud storage/ software providers; to store information (shared on the grounds of our legitimate interests)
Other business contacts; if requested by you (e.g. for networking introductions) (shared on the grounds of your consent)

If you are an
Education contact (school, college or university)

Data we may collect with your consent:

Full name
Job Title
Organisation you work for
Email (business)
Email (personal)
Telephone number (business)
Telephone number (business)
Organisation address
Notes on our communications
Photographs/videos at events
Opinions from feedback forms
Record of attendance at events
Location of events you have attended
Record of safeguarding disclosures
Contractual and legal documentation to the extent you are named as a signatory to the document or the document is addressed to you

How long we store/use this data:

Seven years (from end of our contract with you or your employer)

Why we collect this information and our legal basis for processing:

To safely deliver our contracts with you (on the grounds of performance of contract) or your employer (on the grounds of our legitimate interests)
To ensure we meet appropriate safeguarding legislation when working with young people (on the grounds of legal obligation)
To analyse and report on your feedback from our events and activities to help improve services for you (on the grounds of our legitimate interests)

Third parties with whom data may be shared and why:

Cloud storage/ software providers; to store information (on the grounds of our legitimate interests)

If you are a
Young person, participating in our programmes / activities

Data we may collect:

Full name
Year group
Notes on our communications
Opinions from feedback forms
Attendance details (school and Ahead Partnership events)

How long we store/use this data:

Seven academic years maximum (to cover your full school career)

Why we collect this information and our legal basis for processing:

Legitimate interest – to monitor impact of our activities and programmes and the different impact between 1 intervention and multiple interventions

Third parties with whom data may be shared and why:

Cloud storage/ software providers; to store information (shared on the grounds of our legitimate interests)
Schools/ education institutions to the extent they need your personal data for logistical arrangements for events (shared on the grounds of our legitimate interests or our contract with you)
Employers / Funding bodies; we may be contractually obligated to share some of your information with funders to demonstrate impact (shared on the grounds of our legitimate interests)

If you are a
Young person, participating in our programmes / activities

Data we may collect:

Photographs/videos at events

How long we store/use this data:

Three academic years from the event date

Why we collect this information and our legal basis for processing:

To promote our activities

Third parties with whom data may be shared and why:

Images may be shared with media partners and employer partners to share stories about our work together (shared on the grounds of consent);
Social media; to promote our activities (shared on the grounds of legitimate interests)
Broadcast media – Radio and TV